Friday, 26 August 2011

5 months and waiting

So its been 5 months since I got my braces and I still haven't seen my orthodontist since before this :/ I am supposed to be seeing him in less than 2 weeks and I can't wait! It feels like it can't come soon enough. I've got so many questions but I know when I get in that room I'll forget them all and my mind will come up blank!

I've noticed I've got a tongue thrust and a reverse swallow, so I've spent the past month trying to correct this with exercises and constantly thinking about where my tongue is positioned in my mouth. Its hard but I know it will be worth it in the end. I don't want to go through all this and then have to deal with a relapse at the end of it. I'm planning to ask my ortho if I will be getting permanent retainers after all this - I hope so!!!

Another thing - My surgeon and ortho 5 months ago told me they want to do the surgery this january and i'm itching to know if i'm still on target for this. I hope he isn't particularly vague when I ask him. If he said I was on track that would make me one seriously happy bunny!!