Monday, 27 February 2012

Last surgeon appointment - before pics

I'm due to get surgery for my Open bite this coming thursday - 3 days eeeeeeeeeeeek!!!
I saw my surgeon last week for my final appointment to find out whats going to be happening. When I saw her a few weeks ago they weren't sure what they were going to do yet and needed more time to think about it!
I've been told since I was 15 I needed it done but its sounded to scary so I just put it off. Its now starting to affect my health and I didn't like my teeth anyway so I decided to just get it over with! I'm lucky enough to be getting it done for free on the NHS and haven't had a big wait. I had my braces put on March last year and here I am ready for my op. I've been told it will probably be between 3-6 month of orthodontics after the op!
Anyway so I went last monday and she still wasn't 100% sure. She said my xrays looked like there was a big gap and showed I needed bi Max but when she looks at me in person she thinks it will just need the top jaw doing. She doesn't want to go through with bottom jaw unless she REALLY has to. So we've decided on a Lefort 1 posterior impaction (where they are tilting the back of the jaw down I think!) She did say this will bring my chin and bottom jaw forward slightly! If she gets in and does that and it isn't a class 1 occlusion she said she would do a bit of work on the bottom jaw!
The only problem I have is I wanted a more balanced profile. I predominately came into it wanting just a better function but now I want to sort out the aesthetics too. She did say after I am healed if I'm still not happy with my profile, as she said it isn't as balanced as it should be we will plan a genioplasty separate which she said is just a day case! hmppppph things are never easy are they!!! I'm off to the hospital again later today to get my surgical hooks on! 
Here are some before pics:
Me before braces

Normal smiling face

Normal relaxed face

Close up of teeth -this is my bite completely together (only very back teeth touching)

Side smiling

Side relaxed

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