Saturday, 10 March 2012

Day five

As soon as we got up Marc rang the hospital to see if they could fit me in to sort out my bands. They said there was no surgeons or orthodontists in today so I would have to see a doctor on the ward.  I went back in for 10am and saw the first doctor I saw after the op, the one that did my bands wrong in the first place. He certainly got band happy and added loads extra. I said I needed two and told him exactly where to put them and he put 8 on in place and did it completely wrong. Now my jaw was being pulled over to the right :/ I was not a happy bunny! I ended up emailing my ortho to his private work address to see if this is okay to wait until thursday. he replied and said leaving it a couple of days shouldn't be a problem! What was the problem was the new pain it was causing me. It was causing more crazy jaw spasms and all my teeth were clattering, I was not in a good place now!

I went to my GP as the pain wasn't going with the painkillers I'd been given (Co-codamol, ibuprofen). He ended up prescribing me morphine and paracetamol. I was a bit nervy about taking morphine. I've never liked the idea of it but they gave me a shot of it in hospital after the op and I hated the way it made me feel. But my GP advised me it would be for the best. i decided to start taking it tomorrow as I had had co-codamol today in my system!

Had my first proper visitor today. My friend came round for half an hour to see how I was and brought flowers - yay! :) It was nice to see someone else and to take my mind off things a bit. Although most questions are obviously op orientated so you end up thinking about it more!

After i'd gone to bed I ended up waking in the middle of the night in so much pain. I was crying my eyes out. This was the first time post op (other than weird/random off anesthetic) that I had cried. My bf was amazing and comforted me telling me how proud he is of me and especially as I'd held it together up until now. He had to get me a painkiller and i had to wait for it to kick in before my body would even think about letting me go back to sleep... just when you think you're doing a bit better!

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